giovedì 8 giugno 2023
My Review: Rise and Fall of a Decadence - You or Sydney
La mia Recensione: Rise and Fall of a Decadence - You or Sydney
martedì 6 giugno 2023
My Review: Ghost Painted Sky - Corridors
Ghost Painted Sky - Corridors
The Massachusetts trio is a belly-aching necessity, a journey into the tension of living, because their music is a polite and gentle apotheosis, even when sanguine notes explode in their hands.
In this track we are as if in an escape, in the tragic scenes of an unbalanced living, where there is room for considerations that leave thoughts wounded. Gothic Rock and Darkwave are the masters needed to make the lyrics even more effective, which Lisa Wood sings beautifully, with Michael Rebeiro and David Strong's guitars setting the scene for a powerful sweep of the 80s, doing much better than some bands of the time. They take excellence and look inside the creations of Skeletal Family, The Cult, Fields Of The Nephilim and Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, to co-ordinate the base. They go further, coming to the present day with slight but effective structural modifications, to give the pleasantness of a style that is not too tied to those extraordinary presences. David Strong writes a text full of pain but not surrender, with a powerful backbone that Lisa interprets beautifully. And so it all flows with this story that will not struggle to make your day gloomy: thunderous applause!
Alex Dematteis
6th June 2023
My Review: Rêves Frustrés - Mundo Genocida
Rêves Frustrés - Mundo Genocida
In the land of Colombia, there are coalescent uprisings of disenfranchised souls, on their knees, forced into marginalisation, suffering, treated like criminals. Inevitably, those who then, in the artistic field, are inclined to visit the dark zones of existence, not to express joy, even to dress in black with heavy make-up, are frowned upon and pointed at for stupid and untrue faults.
RF are artificers illuminated by prehistoric gods, in mental catacombs rummaging through the remnants of life: those few drops end up in a splendid watery composition, which recounts the destruction of freedom with guitars and vocals like scratches from Broadman's Area 11, the part of the brain devoted to reasoning. The band is aware of the existing disaster and inflames its belly to illuminate the foolish and indifferent with these notes. It is pure Colombian Deathrock, irreverent, sarcastic, prodigious for a violence that has no need for quick elements: you don't need a song thrown at 1000 km/h to hurt.
From Bogotá that's it, the line goes back to those who have hopefully learned to be vigilant…
Alex Dematteis
6th June 2023
La mia Recensione: Ghost Painted Sky - Corridors
Ghost Painted Sky - Corridors
Il terzetto del Massachusetts è una esigenza del ventre, un cammino dentro la tensione del vivere, perché la loro musica è un’apoteosi educata e gentile, anche quando tra le mani esplodono note sanguigne.
In questo brano siamo come in una fuga, nelle tragiche scene di un vivere sbilenco, dove c’è spazio per considerazioni che lasciano feriti i pensieri. Il Gothic Rock e la Darkwave sono i maestri necessari per rendere ancora più efficace il testo, che Lisa Wood canta splendidamente, con le chitarre di Michael Rebeiro e di David Strong che creano i presupposti di una potente perlustrazione degli anni ’80, facendo molto meglio di alcune band di allora. Loro prendono l’eccellenza e guardano dentro le creazioni di Skeletal Family, The Cult, Fields Of The Nephilim e Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, per coordinare la base di partenza. Vanno oltre, arrivano ai giorni nostri con modifiche strutturali leggere ma efficaci, per donare la piacevolezza di uno stile che non sia troppo legato a quelle straordinarie presenze. David Strong scrive un testo pieno di dolori ma non di arrendevolezza, con un nerbo potente che Lisa interpreta splendidamente. E così tutto scorre con questa storia che non faticherà a rendere cupe le vostre giornate: applauso scrosciante!
Alex Dematteis
6 Giugno 2023
La mia Recensione: Rêves Frustrés - Mundo Genocida
Rêves Frustrés - Mundo Genocida
Nella terra Colombiana vivono moti carbonari di anime in disuso, inginocchiate, obbligate all'emarginazione, sofferenti, trattate come criminali. Inevitabile che chi poi, nel campo artistico, sia propenso a visitare le zone cupe dell’esistenza, a non esprimere gioia, a vestirsi anche di nero con trucchi pesanti, sia malvisto e additato per colpe stupide e non veritiere.
I RF sono artificieri illuminati da Dei preistorici, in catacombe mentali che frugano nei residui di vita: quelle poche gocce finiscono in una splendida composizione acquifera, che racconta la distruzione della libertà con chitarre e voci come graffi dell’Area 11 di Broadman, la parte del cervello adibita al ragionamento. La band è consapevole del disastro esistente e infiamma il proprio ventre per illuminare con queste note gli stolti e gli indifferenti. È puro Deathrock Colombiano, irriverente, sarcastico, prodigioso per una violenza che non ha bisogno di elementi rapidi: non serve un brano lanciato a 1000 km/h per fare male.
Da Bogotà è tutto, la linea torna a chi si spera abbia imparato a essere vigile…
Alex Dematteis
6 Giugno 2023
My Review: Für Lange - Past Life
Für Lange - Past Life
There is something obscene about beauty: you can't see anything else.
That's it.
You listen to Past Life and you make the world go away, you have it inside you in this sly, slow way, like a pin slowly falling into your chest, with the metallic grey guitar bouncing between full chords, arpeggios, reverberations controlled by an impelling wisdom, with a rotating drumming and the Post-Punk bass acting as a generator of infinite memories. Music like the beautiful cover: a grey-black reflecting, bursting the imagination with a veiled temptation to go into the unique precipice of the 80s, only to change its mind and settle in the present day. Splendid specimen to protect Für Lange: the vocals, between whispers, flights and impulses, remain constantly mysterious, and stick to the guitars, which, when they become assertive, lead him to change the register of his voice and raise it.
Can you get a buzz from a song? Yes, and it is an infectiously joyous feeling....
Alex Dematteis
6th June 2023
La mia Recensione: Midas Fall - Cold Waves Divide Us
Midas Fall - Cold Waves Divide Us La corsia dell’eleganza ha nei sogni uno spazio ragguardevole, un pullulare di frammenti integri che app...
Worn Out - The Unknown Demo Can you imagine a melody with Gothic fingerprints emerging dazed but happy from a psychiatric visit by a Ger...
The Cure - Songs Of A Lost World ‘The life of the dead endures in the memory of the living’ - Cicero It hurts. That might be enough...
The Cure - Songs Of A Lost World “La vita dei morti dura nella memoria dei vivi” - Cicerone Fa male. Potrebbe bastare così. Si entra nel m...