venerdì 21 aprile 2023

My Review: Matthew Logan Vasquez - As all Get Out

 Matthew Logan Vasquez - As All Get Out

How beautiful are the Americans who don't give a fuck about the present and keep the memory of their musical journey alive, even at the expense of success: they are to be loved, no matter what!

Take Texan Vasquez and delve deep into his sonic instincts: one travels, with extreme class, in the blue, in the sun, in warmth, in positivity, with passages that cross landscapes that are folk, country, blues, alternative, rock, always with the shrewdness of being able to respect the codes, the rules, where transgression is only a stupid aspect of freedom. The album teaches us to recognise that there is a great deal still to be written, without having to rely on the anxiety of progress. Eleven arrows, bookmarks, paths, drops of wisdom that grow within the heart of this delicate and respectful artist, who truly succeeds in moving with his rich simplicity...

Alex Dematteis



 21st April 2023

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La mia Recensione: Grant Swarbrooke - And the World Spins on (Home Recordings) Ep /Sleepers Ep / Liminal Fall (single)

  Grant Swarbrooke - And the World Spins on (Home Recordings) Ep /Sleepers Ep / Liminal Fall Nel sud di una Inghilterra imprigionata da scel...