domenica 19 febbraio 2023

My Review: Angustia Espiritual - Angustia Espiritual

 Angustia Espiritual - Angustia Espiritual

Costa Rica: a distant stone, with wrinkled skin but a smooth soul that allows life to reside, completely. And where death is a mystery to be closely observed. What better way than to write songs that probe it, take it into the territories of conscious connections and consequent turmoil?

There are four of them, full of Deathrock in their hearts and attitudes, in their spasms and in their desire to live and administer blackness, chaos, to produce it in their turn, warriors without a trace of fear in their grooves, so bleak but clear at the same time: six darts and six chances to understand that there is no country in the world that is devoid of these snowy cells of darkness, the season of winter in those parts seems even more difficult than ours. And it is wailing guitar, portentous bass, drums like a jackal and the voice like a vial evaporating in the mind. 

The old scribe lights up a nightmare and caresses it: Angustia Espiritual remain the pleasure of a slow crime in his mind corrupted by the beauty of the boys from San José and it's time you shared it with him...

Alex Dematteis



19th February 2023

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