venerdì 7 luglio 2023

My Review: Diesein - Even the best are the worst

Diesein - Even the best are the worst

Who are the best at making electropop a matter of discipline, elevating it to a form of culture? The Germans, did you doubt it?

Here, in these very grooves, we can celebrate the beauty of the sax accompanying the electronic feathers, in a design of warm and sensual dance in which musical decades take stock. There is balancing to be done, mechanisms to be registered, a melodic strategy to be determined that never ceases to tease. The Diesein are completely unknown masters and this angers the old scribe not a little: stick to these frequencies, history is written by those who have not won and they are the emblem of this. Their hands use a skilful ladle, ingredients are thrown into the pot that also includes drops of synthpop held at bay with balance. The drum machine's work is perfectly aligned with that of a bass guitar that is extreme in its simplicity and allows the synths to dominate the scene without being ridiculed. You keep Depeche Mode that scribe right now, with these very songs, we know that beauty doesn't reach the masses and fanaticism...

Alex Dematteis



7th July 2023

My Review: Uhrisavu - Sydänyö

Uhrisavu - Sydänyö

Let's take a poet without a compass, lost in the marasmus of his art, and let him listen to this album by the prodigious band Finnica: it will surely come out a treatise on beauty that seeks a party full of vodka to celebrate the perdition of the senses. The band's singles are all placed in a room together, amidst bounces of anguish and contemplation, in a sound plane that induces introspection.

Eight tracks, eight visual observations of the oscillations of these temporal crystals, a methodical study that demonstrates the manifest superiority of the Finnish guys, in an act that disciplines matter. Every single song becomes an encyclopaedia, the whole structures the consciousness towards roaring applause. 

A good example is the majestic Astumme yhdessä pimeään, a fast-paced Coldwave molecular genocide that demonstrates their alliance with perfection.

Well, now it's your turn: dress yourself in patience and curiosity and you will have a park of icy beauty within you...

Alex Dematteis



7th July 2023

La mia Recensione: Uhrisavu - Sydänyö

Uhrisavu - Sydänyö

Prendiamo un poeta senza bussola, perso nel marasma della sua arte, e facciamogli ascoltare questo album della prodigiosa band Finnica: ne uscirà sicuramente un trattato sulla bellezza che cerca una festa piena di vodka per celebrare la perdizione dei sensi. I singoli del gruppo vengono messi in condizione di stare tutti insieme in una stanza, tra rimbalzi di angoscia e contemplazione, in un piano sonoro che induce all'introspezione.

Otto tracce, otto osservazioni visive delle oscillazioni di questi cristalli temporali, uno studio metodico che dimostra la manifesta superiorità dei ragazzi Finlandesi, in un atto che disciplina la materia. Ogni singola canzone diventa un'enciclopedia, l’insieme struttura la coscienza verso l’applauso scrosciante. 

Valga come esempio la maestosa Astumme yhdessä pimeään, un veloce genocidio molecolare Coldwave che dimostra la loro alleanza con la perfezione.

Bene, ora tocca a voi: vestitevi di pazienza e di curiosità e avrete dentro di voi un parco di gelida bellezza…

Alex Dematteis



7 Luglio 2023

La mia Recensione: Diesein - Even the best are the worst

Diesein - Even the best are the worst

Chi sono i migliori a fare dell’electropop una questione di disciplina, elevandola a una forma di cultura? I tedeschi, avevate dei dubbi?

Qui, proprio in questi solchi possiamo celebrare la bellezza del sax che accompagna le piume elettroniche, in un disegno di calda e sensuale danza nella quale le decadi musicali si danno appuntamento per fare il punto della situazione. C’è da equilibrare, registrare i meccanismi, determinare una strategia melodica che non smetta di stuzzicare. I Diesein sono maestri del tutto sconosciuti e questo fa arrabbiare non poco il vecchio scriba: state appiccicati a queste frequenze, la storia la scrive chi non ha vinto e loro ne sono l’emblema. Le loro mani usano un mestolo sapiente, gli ingredienti vengono buttati nel pentolone che comprende anche gocce di synthpop tenuto a bada con equilibrio. Il lavoro della drum machine è perfettamente allineato a quello di un basso estremo nella sua semplicità e che permette ai synth di dominare la scena senza essere ridicolizzati. Voi tenetevi i Depeche Mode che lo scriba proprio ora, proprio con queste canzoni, sa che la bellezza non arriva alla massa e al fanatismo…

Alex Dematteis



7 Luglio 2023

sabato 17 giugno 2023

My Review: Catalogue - Modern Delusion

Catalogue - Modern Delusion

The Marseille band's third album is a chaotic journey into the 80s, to put discord inside our convictions, to create doubts, to make us experience nostalgia but slaughtering it all with their devastating irony. Post-Punk, the dirtiest kind, infects us with Noise, as a fun way of disorienting us, but then we immediately realise their methodology, pungent and complete, to lead us to evaluate well what is left of that decade. And here's how they jump back and forth, in and out of references that are multiple but never able to make us realise how much is the real basis for them. This aspect makes them wonderfully and damnably interesting: the delirium of a necessary fervour dwells in these songs, there is an awareness that bumps and teaches, over and over again. Here, then, we are tampered by their art, without a refuge, because they make us dance under the stars, without the need for a future, except to be accompanied by their incredible mastery of being lions roaring over our bored brains...

Alex Dematteis



17th June 2023

La mia Recensione: Catalogue - Modern Delusion

Catalogue - Modern Delusion

Il terzo album della band di Marsiglia è un caotico viaggio negli anni ’80, per mettere zizzania dentro le nostre convinzioni, per creare dubbi, per farci vivere la nostalgia ma massacrando il tutto con la loro devastante ironia. Il Post-Punk, quello più sporco, si infetta con il Noise, come un divertimento che possa spiazzarci, ma poi si intuisce subito la loro metodologia, pungente e completa, per condurci a valutare bene che cosa è rimasto di quella decade. Ed ecco allora come si salti in avanti e indietro, dentro e fuori i riferimenti che sono multipli ma mai capaci di farci capire quanto sia per loro la vera base di partenza. Questo aspetto li rende meravigliosamente e dannatamente interessanti: il delirio di un fervore necessario abita in queste canzoni, c’è una consapevolezza che urta e insegna, in continuazione. Ecco, quindi, che veniamo manomessi dalla loro arte, senza un rifugio, perché loro ci fanno ballare sotto le stelle, senza la necessità di un futuro, se non quella di farci accompagnare dalla loro incredibile maestria nell’essere dei leoni che ruggiscono sui nostri cervelli annoiati…

Alex Dematteis



17 Giugno 2023

My Review: Désar - Into the Sun

Désar - Into the Sun  

A record born while listening to a Toronto radio station, for this Brooklyn-based artist, a man of truly remarkable personal and musical culture.

Listen to his presentation of the album and you will be really pleased. The old scribe could keep quiet, no problem.

But no.

The ten compositions deserve a little comment.

The general atmosphere is that of an exploration of problems, a breathing space that illuminates thoughts with a new form. It counts for a lot to identify the musical zones crossed, used, squeezed like lemons from the juice that is needed to make the palate change. The recitative and the overlapping of voices are magic that comfort and often make us forget that without the singing we would probably be hypnotised and wounded

Lucien Désar is a composer of music with the intention of bringing to mind the Darkwave of the 90s, and I think he has succeeded, but I would add that he has done so by making a few changes that guarantee a caress towards the 80s, while greatly annihilating that of recent years, as his eclecticism is measured but powerful, allowing a flexibility that in the end turns out to be his real trump card.

Exhale's piano is a delirium: the breathing experiences a sudden tremor, the blood swerves and the words are further thorns that drive the throat to writhe. 

This track is enough (don't think it is an unexpected, something different from the rest of the album, because instead it fully represents it), to be in love with an unexpected flutter of wrinkled truths. He is like that: a surprise like a postage stamp with saliva that makes you fall in love with his gems as if you were a child in front of the lightning in the sky.

With Die, sandpaper under the wings of a tank, he packs a punch, and you can hear how the American artist knows how to converse between musical genres, slipping in a siren that sounds like an angry ambulance.

But the art project is really conceived to be an extraordinary repository of chains that touch and create freedom. That of not seeing the time that had disappeared. And this is a credit to him.

If that's not enough for you: the beginning of the resounding Travel to Mars (amidst classical music impetuses, Star Wars cheers, and electronics performing a perfectly successful intervention) will perfectly show you his universe, made up of qualities that know no end.

Grab yourself a glass, fill it with patience and you will drink a record with a unique taste...

Alex Dematteis



17th June 2023

La mia Recensione: Lamante - IN MEMORIA DI

  Lamante - IN MEMORIA DI Che bello aspettare un disco invecchiare, percorrere la strada della pazienza, dello studio, dargli il tempo di ci...