sabato 8 aprile 2023

My Review: My Own Burial - Breathing Sorrow

My Own Burial - Breathing Sorrow

Shopping list: one kilo of Uruguay and one kilo of Catalonia.

Now go to the kitchen and watch this delicious food rise, kneaded with love and care by this band that knows how to gravitate in the itchy curves of fear and run wild inside the trembling mind. A record that is a summa, a health certificate of the variations and possibilities that today's gothic scene needs more than ever. Electronics, in just the right doses, act as a glue to Post-Punk and Darkwave textures, with the feeling that Deathrock is a spectator with a great desire to participate and flourish those transistors as well. The result is a shake of passion cadenced by obsessive rhythms and surrounded by melodies full of happy skeletons. Credit to the band for keeping the love for this kind of music meaningful, because the eleven songs demonstrate qualities that have become rare...

Alex Dematteis



8th April 2023

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