mercoledì 19 aprile 2023

My Review: Leroy Se Meurt - La Chute

 Leroy Se Meurt - La Chute

Almost three years have passed since this Ep: it is unforgivable to linger any longer to describe it. We are inside a neurotic corollary of Electro Punk waiting for your dancing steps, which will end up being a genuflecting lava of sweat. Vibrant, effervescent, the four tracks really show Paris snubbing snobs, and going all out to produce dark-faced magnets. The result is a sublime nervous breakdown, real, contrived by human beings rightly corrupted by exaggerating in quality: they are irrepressible, they take ebm and pluck it, to inject its chromosomes into this exaggerated, perfect electronics.

The singing is a series of polite screams, classy lashings on notes trained to make a rag out of you: chapeau!

Alex Dematteis
19th April 2023

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