domenica 29 gennaio 2023

My Review: NEW DEUTSCHE FOLK MUSIC - Vol 1 Rauhnaschtsweise

NEW DEUTSCHE FOLK MUSIC - Vol 1 Rauhnaschtsweise

Music produce resilience, intentional, representative, avant-garde in any case, in the face of those who will hear things already known.

And yet.

And yet this compilation from the energetic, swaggering, wonderful German label House of Inkantation, is adept at being all that and more. What is shown on this disc is a deep exploration into the woods and its inhabitants, into the symbolic circuits of a relationship with mystery that, through Neo Folk and its currents, succeeds in taking stock of the situation, bringing us awareness, emotion and the immense possibility of opening our eyes and seeing, not just looking.

Then we will realise that we are in front of a map of sound, of genres, of life with its emotional operations, bustle and calm in a partnership that, while on the one hand would seem impossible, on the other hand turns out to be an absolute triumph. 

Neo Folk - Neo Ambient - Death Folk - Black Metal: yes, these are some of the sonic virgins that show their skin, but identity must be found by listening that knows how to go beyond appearances. All bands have left their breath in the grooves, where guitars, especially acoustic ones, are the black angels spying, noting and bringing back to us those worlds that we normally don't consider much. Far from catharsis or emotional explosions: here we are in a place that by revealing itself favours our mutation, a cognitive bow that brings us closer and indoctrinates us towards a different knowledge.

They are ballads, they are bursts, they are lines of earth on our wrinkles, they are harmonies that shift the cognition of time and make us become inhabitants without a roof, naked perennials like those who live in those places where the concept of home does not exist. 

A majestic compilation, which dares to show the sky lowering and exhibiting slow comets, shimmering in the darkness that instead of covering reveal. Many tracks have been created especially for this compilation and others are unreleased, for a result that is shocking: all connected, devoted to what the old scribe tried to imply. What the hell is the point of having the shameless desire to entrust everything to taste is beyond comprehension: it is what happens and what asks to be considered that counts.

Alex Dematteis



29th January 2023

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