sabato 28 gennaio 2023

My Review: Grey Lips - MASQUERADE

Grey Lips - Masquerade 

Perrine Berger and Matthieu Hardouin have been in the old scribe's sights for some time now, and now with the band Grey Lips he can say that their union in this project offers the possibility of enjoying seismic spaces and musical turbulence in rarefied Switzerland, a country that knows how to produce the right noise, the one that fascinates and gives power. Such a debut deserves attention and specification, as their scope is vast and encompasses time zones of origin of musical genres that they have managed to make even more credible and relevant. Three singles have given us an idea, but it is the album that conquers without a doubt: rock finds its old genuine flame, side by side with the need to integrate salty pills of hallucinated Post-Punk, almost sweaty, almost imbued with Industrial textures, with Matthieu's voice he knows exactly how to create links with pain and poetry, just as Justin Sullivan of New Model Army knows how to contemplate. The sound waves bypass the Alps and glide over Geneva, where the two have devised strategies to make our listening an old-fashioned situation: being in a rehearsal room listening to friends, because everything vibrates with warmth and immediacy. The guitars are often in the zone of Sonic Youth's Daydream Nation, they move quickly to tickle other bands and have a beer together. 

And so, not accidentally, we hear how they have a desire to take their sound to the place where everything scratches and pushes the mind on vertical journeys. We descend towards that art form that makes drives and hysterics possible, we are left with sweat and the distinct feeling that these songs are dirty with for once a beautiful oil and a breath that wants to let out anger that is not just screaming. All the stars here would deserve a description, but I invite you to have faith: listening will make you discover that they can be dynamic and altered in the way that makes what they do the King's garden, that of music...

Alex Dematteis



28th January 2023

La mia Recensione: Grey Lips - MASQUERADE

 Grey Lips - Masquerade 

Perrine Berger e Matthieu Hardouin sono nel mirino del vecchio scriba da tempo e ora con la band Grey Lips può affermare che la loro unione in  questo progetto offre la possibilità di godere di spazi sismici e turbolenze musicali nella rarefatta Svizzera, un paese che sa produrre il rumore giusto, quello che affascina e dona potenza. Un debutto simile merita attenzioni e specificazioni, in quanto il loro campo di azione è vasto e comprende zone temporali di origine dei generi musicali che loro hanno saputo rendere ancora più credibili e attuali. Tre singoli che hanno dato un’idea, ma è l’album che conquista senza dubbio: il rock trova la sua antica fiamma genuina, affianca la necessità di integrare pillole salate di Post-Punk allucinato, quasi sudato, quasi imbevuto di trame Industrial, con la voce di Matthieu che sa creare legami con il dolore e la poesia, come Justin Sullivan dei New Model Army sa contemplare. Le onde sonore scavalcano le Alpi e planano su Ginevra, dove i due hanno studiato strategie per fare del nostro ascolto una situazione antica: trovarsi in una sala prove ad ascoltare degli amici, perché tutto vibra di calore e immediatezza. Le chitarre spesso sono nella zona di Daydream Nation dei Sonic Youth, poi si spostano veloci per solleticare altre band a bere una birra insieme. 

E così, non per caso, sentiamo come abbiano il desiderio di portare il suono verso il luogo dove tutto graffia e spinge la mente a viaggi verticali. Si scende verso quella forma d'arte che rende possibili pulsioni e isterie, si rimane con il sudore e la netta sensazione che queste canzoni siano sporche di un petrolio per una volta bellissimo e di un respiro che vuole far uscire la rabbia che non sia solo urla. Meriterebbero una descrizione tutte le stelle qui presenti, ma vi invito ad avere fiducia: l’ascolto vi farà scoprire che sanno essere dinamici e alterati in quel modo che rende ciò che fanno il giardino del Re, quello della musica…

Alex Dematteis



28 Gennaio 2023

venerdì 27 gennaio 2023

La mia Recensione: Haunting Octaves - Secret Garden

 Haunting Octaves - Secret Garden

Ci si può ritrovare dopo anni in cui si è emigrati nel posto sbagliato?

La letteratura ha speso milioni di chilometri per rispondere, con consigli, tecniche, racconti e poesie.

Al vecchio scriba accade con Secret Garden, il secondo album dei californiani Haunting Octaves, una di quelle formazioni che non conoscere definisce la colpevolezza dell’ignorare, volutamente o meno.

Cosa dire di questo album?



Obbligatorio il consumo.

All’insegna di una delicatezza compositiva eccelsa, da applauso scrosciante, tutte le dieci composizioni sono affreschi del Settecento trasportati, indenni, ai giorni nostri. Non ci sono voci perché a cantare sono gli strumenti, tutti suonati dal misterioso A.R. 

Nel suo giardino segreto a emergere sono fiori Post-Rock melodici e malinconici, che si accoppiano con sottili piume Shoegaze, a tratti con chitarre quasi Hard-Rock, ma poi tutto torna tra quelle dita che accarezzano le corde con arpeggi che sequestrano, ci chiudono gli occhi per donarci la sicurezza di essere in un luogo che apparterrà ai nostri sogni.

Basterà aprire la porta e quel giardino straordinariamente affascinante sarà pronto ad accoglierci. Un disco meraviglioso dovrebbe essere proibito e invece avrete anche la fortuna di poterlo vivere con il free download.

E allora siate rapaci, date libero sfogo all’egoismo che impone di ascoltare la musica gratuitamente e congelate il resto per ritrovare la brina sulla vostra pelle, in ogni stagione dei vostri bisogni.

È già che ci siete ripetete il trucco con il suo primo album DERELICT.

Intanto Secret Garden fa gridare al miracolo, in quanto inebetisce, creando panchine e sentieri nel suo perimetro per sospendere il tempo in un ascolto continuo. Siate gentili con i miracoli perché se hanno scelto di mostrarsi a voi il minimo è accoglierli, abbracciarli e parlarci insieme: e, visto che qui sono ben dieci, date spazio alla cupidigia e abbuffatevi perché sarà un pranzo che non scorderete…

Alex Dematteis



27 Gennaio 2023

My Review: Haunting Octaves - Secret Garden

 Haunting Octaves - Secret Garden

Can one find oneself after years of being in the wrong place?

Literature has spent millions answering this question, with advice, techniques, stories and poems.

It happens to the old scribe with Secret Garden, the second album by Californians Haunting Octaves, one of those bands that unknowingly  defines the guilt of ignoring, intentionally or otherwise.

What to say about this album?



Mandatory consumption.

In the name of a sublime compositional delicacy, to roaring applause, all ten compositions are eighteenth-century frescoes transported, unscathed, to the present day. There are no voices because it is the instruments, all played by the mysterious A.R., that sing. 

In his secret garden to emerge are melodic and melancholic Post-Rock flowers, which are coupled with subtle Shoegaze feathers, at times with almost Hard-Rock guitars, but then everything returns between those fingers that caress the strings with arpeggios that seize, closing our eyes to give us the security of being in a place that belongs to our dreams.

We need only open the door and that extraordinarily fascinating garden will be ready to welcome us. A marvellous record should be forbidden and instead you will be lucky enough to experience it with the free download.

So be rapacious, give free rein to the selfishness that dictates listening to music for free and freeze the rest to find the frost on your skin, in every season of your needs.

And while you're at it, do the trick again with his debut album DERELICT.

Meanwhile Secret Garden makes one cry out for a miracle, as it intoxicates, creating benches and paths in its perimeter to suspend time in a continuous listening. Be kind to the miracles because if they have chosen to show themselves to you, the least you can do is welcome them, embrace them and talk to them together: and, since there are ten of them here, give room for greed and binge because it will be a lunch you won't forget...

Alex Dematteis



27th January 2023

giovedì 26 gennaio 2023

La mia Recensione: Vague Scare - Transient

 Vague Scare - Transient

I duo Francesi Coldwave/Synthwave sono sempre da tenere sotto osservazione: da quelle parti non sprecano tempo e i lavori sono quasi sempre meraviglie di cui godere.

Nel caso dei Vague Scare la qualità è altissima, flussi elettrici sulla pelle tengono l’attenzione pura e alta, perché le canzoni di questo Lp sono una passeggiata dentro le ombre in un giorno piovoso, in cui si prende quella dose di freddo che rivitalizza gli arti e tornando a casa ci si ritrova in ottima forma.

Il circuito sonoro è una ammiraglia di propensioni romantiche dove non manca la nostalgia e l’ammirazione per una stagione musicale che non intende morire. Tutte e otto le tracce sono allucinazioni che conoscono l'esasperazione, contenute e poi fatte uscire con le note alle quali viene tirato il collo, sono lunghe e incastonate all’interno di ritmiche nervose e metalliche, la drum machine è una ragazza precisa e fredda, non concede approcci e va via sicura. La chitarra di Fred, che suona anche i synth, è un brivido Post-Punk che cammina attorno a un igloo e appare a piccole ma raffinate dosi. Laur, voce principale e anche lui ai synth, è un ragazzo dal bavero alzato, splendidamente desideroso di porre il suo timbro vocale in una modalità rivolta agli anni ’80, tra il sognante e l'austero.

La stagione dell'osservazione francese nei confronti della glacialità dei patimenti con i Vague Scare si fa attenta e precisa, non ci si può perdere in balbuzie emotive in quanto la loro metodicità non spreca tempo: una lezione che fa bene alla mente, sempre combattuta nel dare spazio al cuore. Tutto ciò per dire che questo album è una enciclopedia comportamentale, dalle otto pagine escono bagliori carichi di muschio perché conservare la lucidità è cosa buona e giusta...

Spettacolare che le loro storie, che siano vere o inventate, abbiano a che fare con i sentimenti, quando tutto fa presupporre il contrario: proprio vero che i duo Francesi sono magnificamente pazzi e loro lo sono in modo divino...

Alex Dematteis



27 Gennaio 2023

My Review: Vague Scare - Transient

 Vague Scare - Transient 

The French Coldwave/Synthwave duo are a pair you should be continuously watching out for: they don't waste time over there and their works are almost always wonders to enjoy.

In the case of Vague Scare, the quality is very high, electric flows on the skin keep the attention pure and high, because the songs on this LP are a walk into the shadows on a rainy day, where you take that dose of cold that revitalises your limbs and return home in great shape.

The sound circuit is a flagship of romantic propensities where there is no lack of nostalgia and admiration for a musical season that does not intend to die. All eight tracks are hallucinations that know exasperation, contained and then released with the notes being wrung out of them, they are long and set within nervous and metallic rhythms, the drum machine is a precise and cold girl, it does not concede any approaches and goes away safe. The guitar of Fred, who also plays synths, is a Post-Punk thrill that walks around an igloo and appears in small but refined doses. Laur, lead vocalist and also on synths, is a boy with his lapel turned up, beautifully eager to place his vocal timbre in an '80s-oriented mode, between dreamy and austere.

The season of French observation towards the glaciality of the sufferings with Vague Scare becomes careful and precise, one cannot get lost in emotional stuttering as their methodicalness wastes no time: a lesson that is good for the mind, always struggling to give space to the heart. All of which is to say that this album is a behavioural encyclopaedia, moss-laden gleams come out of the eight pages because preserving lucidity is the right thing to do...

Spectacular that their stories, whether true or invented, have to do with feelings, when everything suggests the opposite: it's true that the French duo are magnificently crazy and they are divinely so...

Alex Dematteis



27th January 2023

mercoledì 25 gennaio 2023

My Review: Karma Voyage - Lights in Forgotten Places

 Karma Voyage - Lights in Forgotten Places 

What is the aspect of astonishment that embraces the need for an impressive immersion into truth? 

You might know it by listening to the debut album by the Italian band Karma Voyage, which, after the eponymous Ep of 2021, follows a path where the medals have two sides, but reveal their identity, their entity, their specific weight, in a journey where everything touches lightly the greatness that generates, precisely, astonishment. There is no definition of such a fact other than the extraordinariness of its depth, in a circuit made up of sound trails and sacred words, because they investigate and put people before something absolute. Italy, which struggles to have a noble identity, in any field, should listen to this rhythmic encyclopaedia, read in the movements of probing souls, who do not seek ease, let alone privileges, but a path where eyes and ears are not apparatuses at the service of the senses but the first participants of a consciousness under construction.

The skills of the five Venetian Doctors of Knowledge are infinite and amassed with order, method, and patience in the nine compositions where the powerful sound expressed is only the base, not the window, let alone the content: they are all provided with a skin that moves, descends in depth and reveals contents that have as their common denominator the interest in giving expressive means which form an idea and lead it to matter. It is an enchanting album that overcomes boundaries, preconceptions and takes us to places where there are no flags or properties to defend or deny others. Their music brings people together, in a hypothetical encounter in which the chosen language (English) is the only one understandable, because no other could have rendered it in the same way, already delivering a first message: at least in this respect we are beginning to appropriate something that will equalise everyone.

And that is only the first point: the starting point. 

Having decided on the language, what is needed now is a thought, something to give so that it can be exchanged, and the band does this clearly also through a stylistic method that presents at least three identifiable musical genres,  which are not restrictive but only a means that once identified allows others to be noticed. They range from obvious psychedelia that is not muzzled, to a shoegaze attitude (often more in  vocals than in the music, and that is another arrow in their favour) to Post-Rock that knows how to make itself powerful. And that's not all: there are Post-Punk sensibilities, craters from the 1980s that have been little explored by Italian bands, which they instead put their hands on, kneading, hiding, confusing, but in the end revealing crossovers that leave one open-mouthed. 

And again: they go even further back with Hard-Rock seeds in their coats, because it is always better to protect certain roots, especially if the functionality of all these genres is to create their own style. 

We go back as far as the 1960s, knowing, however, that there is no certainty in this: we can have sources of inspiration as far back as the beginning of the first millennium.

Mission perfectly accomplished to the tremendous satisfaction of the old scribe.

Do not believe, however, that grains of apocalyptic Folk, of Industrial particles, are also missing. In this album, nothing ends, everything continues, there are no barriers, but carpets like avalanches that instead of burying bodies highlight them: one of the many miracles here.

There are tensions, nervousnesses, always dilated, but concentric in these tracks in a perpetual state of grace: everything is evoked, invoked, exaggerated, contained but never abandoned, because this record is the manifesto of continuity also given by the perfect consequentiality of the songs, not a lucky puzzle, but a careful skill in creating a path that from a starting point leads to the arrival.

We have the good fortune of immense imaginary fields resting on these songs, places to be encountered and that invite our minds to lodge just enough to fall in love with them and appropriate them, because these songs are a unique and generous offer to have an experience that undoubtedly embellishes.

Before attempting to describe all the songs, a statement must be made: we are not worthy of the quality and truth of this immense work, but it is our duty to at least try to have the awareness that, when Art is of this workmanship, the privileges that may come depend only on our ability to read it. It would be good not to miss this opportunity.

Song by Song

1 - Silent Towns

The beginning is epic: Luca Castellaro's medieval vocals and his and Giuseppe Brunetti's oblique guitars open the mouth in a bubble of celestial shivers. Combined with Stefano Anoè's mighty drums and Alvise Scarpa's surgical bass, the track is a robust psychedelic contortion that shakes and opens the chest.

2 - Circle' Sides

Leonardo Sebastiani's keyboards are the first sign of a viaticum on the shores of a Post-Rock that puts its feet in the water of early 70s London psychedelia. The guitar this time chooses Catherine Wheel's shoegaze for a few seconds and it is a liturgical litany, a slow chorus that shakes the church. Vocals are the perfect homily for this heaven-bound gem. 

3 New Foundations Feat Nils Ottensmeyer (The Blue Angel Lounge)

Two guitars like snakes on heat give the go-ahead: and it is perfection that manifests itself right from the start for this musical cusp that wounds and heals, for it is total power. Then a magical act happens: the guitar becomes gentle, on the road to purest romanticism, while the drumming counterbalances it, giving the feeling of universes in contact.

4 - Shine 

Released as an 'opener' single, it is the slow gust of sirocco, like a song not included in Catherine Wheel's Ferment. But here we get the feeling that the guitars and drumming have emerged from a sunbeam while still being damp. And it is finally able to reveal an apotheosis within.

5 - 'Em

We are on the Everest of the album: from here you can see all the greatness of the Venetian band (if you ever had any doubts with the previous four episodes), as they are capable of progressions that go beyond the song form, like a crescendo held on a leash and released slowly. And it is Psych, Post-Rock, Shoegaze, Alternative, all blended into an evocative hardness.

6 - Branches Of An Old Ash

A seagull comes out of Giudecca: it is a guitar that, after an incipit with keyboards, takes flight between Shoegaze and Dreampop but then abandons it, after 45 seconds, because everything comes together in a psychedelic lake that leaves Venice and lands in the harbours of our imagination. The drums invent a syncopated march, the bass is a master of tasty clusters of notes swollen with warmth, and everything flies away, like a poignant day.

7 Distance And Echoes

What's beyond Everest? Here, this song is the lunar eclipse, from which this miracle comes: everything lives in compactness, in a din that is more emotional than musical, but great is the sword that pierces the heart given by the guitar notes that wound with their high register. And we here extend our hands to welcome this timeless jewel.

8 - City Of The Lame

It is not possible: another heart-warming blaze? Yes, undoubtedly, because this is the episode where the enchantment of sweetness meets an ever-changing musical structure, in a solid grip that makes listening an experience capable of bringing the senses under water. The 90s, with its shoegaze and alternative itches, are perfectly aligned in a tearful exchange.

9 - Shiver

The album that is in serious danger of not only being the most fascinating and intense Italian one of 2023, but of being able to enter many charts beyond the national space, finds in the end the kiss for a goodbye: it is impossible not to want to meet again this crazy band that here manages to write a song in continuous suspension, in a perfect review of their melodic and rhythmic arsenal shown in the previous eight tracks, to give a poetry soaked in noise and psychedelia. 

Album out on 27th January 2023

Karma Voyage:

Vocals & Guitars: Luca CasteIIaro

Lead Guitars: Giuseppe Brunetti 

Synths And Keyboards: Leonardo Sebastiani

Drums: Stefano Anoè

Bass Guitar: Alvise Scarpa

Icy Cold Records


Alex Dematteis 



27th January 2023

La mia Recensione: Midas Fall - Cold Waves Divide Us

  Midas Fall - Cold Waves Divide Us La corsia dell’eleganza ha nei sogni uno spazio ragguardevole, un pullulare di frammenti integri che app...