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Cold Transmission Music
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domenica 5 febbraio 2023
My Review: Grey Gallows - Dying Light
Grey Gallows - Dying Light Magnetic, dense, sidereal: the light that filters from this single by the Greek band, anticipating their new alb...
La mia Recensione: Grey Gallows - Dying Light
Grey Gallows - Dying Light Magnetica, densa, siderea: la luce che filtra da questo singolo della band greca, che anticipa il nuovo album S...
domenica 8 gennaio 2023
My Review: The Secret French Postcards - Life Got Claws
The Secret French Postcards - Life Got Claws Two countries shake hands, for an artistic union that sows urban fragments and is constantly d...
La mia Recensione: The Secret French Postcards - Life Got Claws
The Secret French Postcards - Life Got Claws Due paesi si stringono la mano, per un connubio artistico che semina frammenti urbani e costan...
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