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giovedì 27 aprile 2023
My Review: Sun Shines Cold - echoes of a former life
Sun Shines Cold - echoes of a former life Music can help us get to know places better, while not giving us absolute certainty: a necessary s...
La mia Recensione: Sun Shines Cold - echoes of a former life
Sun Shines Cold - echoes of a former life La musica ci può aiutare a conoscere meglio i luoghi, pur non dandone l’assoluta certezza: un ...
domenica 23 aprile 2023
La mia Recensione: The National Honor Society - To All The Distance Between Us
The National Honor Society - To All The Distance Between Us La si ama proprio tanto la band di Seattle: il suo Pop è una carezza romanti...
My Review: The National Honor Society - To All The Distance Between Us
The National Honor Society - To All The Distance Between Us You really love this Seattle band: its Pop is a romantic caress, a gentle approa...
La mia Recensione: Callière - Freefall Into Heaven
Callière - Freefall Into Heaven Una colata di colori giungono dal bravissimo artista Francese Andrey Rose, che con il suo nuovo album sp...
My Review: Callière - Freefall Into Heaven
Callière - Freefall Into Heaven A flood of colours comes from the talented French artist Andrey Rose, who with his new album spreads his...
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